Sunday, May 16, 2010

Submachine Gun

After doing a short meditation on a quote of the Buddha's I'd read in HHDL's book, How to Practice--"In the mind, the mind is not to be found; the nature of the mind is clear light"--as I was about to finish, Leslie Nielsen and Christopher Walken showed up in my mind. When I wondered, is this some kind of symbol or something? Christopher Walken, doing a rather poor impersonation of himself, said something along the lines of, "What?! Of course we're symbols. We're symbols of how you aren't living up to your full potential." He went on in this vein, in a way, kind of saying, c'mon, pal, what are ya doin? and coaxings to that effect, politely. I went ahead and finished up with the dedication and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

I thought about other "visions" similar to this: one with Jackie Gleason pointing out the cartoon globe from our cartoon airplane, another with Woody Allen as my neighboring molecule in a silent, jokeless laugh; and now, with this quite sober "vision," just what is it about these particular guys?

They're all kind of the straight guy who gets big laughs just by apparently being their seriously flawed selves.

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